Stupenda setlist al Main Square Festival ad Arras, in Francia. I Radiohead, headliners della manifestazione, si sono esibiti in venticinque brani per oltre due ore di musica. Setlist insolita per essere un festival.
01. 15 Step
02. Airbag
03. There There
04. All I Need
05. Where I End and You Begin
06. A Wolf at the Door
07. Nude
08. Pyramid Song
09. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
10. Climbing Up the Walls
11. The Gloaming
12. Faust Arp
13. No Surprises
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Reckoner
16. Exit Music (for a film)
17. Bodysnatchers
encore #1:
18. Cymbal Rush
19. Videotape
20. Paranoid Android
21. Dollars and Cents
22. Idioteque
encore #2:
23. House of Cards
24. The National Anthem
25. Street Spirit [Fade Out]