Gran setlist e Radiohead in grande forma per il secondo concerto giapponese ad Osaka. Ripescate per l’occasione Knives Out e Fog. Prossimo appuntamento: sabato 4 a Tokio.

01. Reckoner
02. Optimistic
03. There There
04. 15 Step
05. All I Need
06. You and Whose Army
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. The Gloaming
09. Videotape
10. Morning Bell
11. Faust Arp
12. No Surprises
13. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
14. Idioteque
15. The National Anthem
16. Nude
17. Bodysnatchers
encore #1
18. Airbag
19. Knives Out
20. Just
21. Where I End And You Begin
22. Planet Telex
encore #2
23. Cymbal Rush / Fog
24. Karma Police
25. Everything In Its Right Place